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Specializing in:

Past-Life Regression
and Past-Life Therapy

Life Between Lives
(LBL spiritual regression)

IFS Therapy
(Internal Family Systems)

Visionary Journeys
(guided imagery for spiritual exploration and deep healing)
Life Between Lives
(LBL spiritual regression)


Gestalt Therapy
(creative, experiential)

Somatic Experiencing
(gentle trauma healing)

Relationship Counseling
(Imago Relationship Therapy & more)

Life Between Lives

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What is “Life Between Lives”?

“Life between lives” (or “LBL”) is our existence as souls between our lifetimes on Earth. People who have near-death experiences (NDEs) may report a journey to another level of existence. Frequently they describe entering a beautiful light and discovering tremendous love and peace. They often report reviewing the life they have just left, and meeting with loved ones and guides.

Often, people begin to revisit this between-lives state during past-life regression. They may recall planning their next life (which may be the life they are living now) and choosing goals of learning and achievement for that lifetime. Perhaps they arranged to meet particular people, possibly soulmates, again. Many of us can benefit from accessing these experiences while we are still in our physical bodies.

LBL Regression: Basics

In LBL (life-between-lives) regression, you can revisit experiences you had before your present lifetime, as a soul without a physical body. The easiest way to access the between-life state is to regress (through hypnosis) to a past life. The LBL-trained therapist can then help you move to the very end of that lifetime. From here, it is usually possible to explore the process of leaving the body and ultimately moving on to a higher plane of existence.

Often we can explore these experiences in some detail. Clients frequently describe meeting friends, family members, guides and other beings — and engaging in recreation as well as serious, learning-oriented activities.

In addition to remembering a previous between-life state, you can also have NEW experiences during an LBL session. You can meet with friends, family, guides and others on a higher plane “NOW.” You may receive spiritual guidance, answers to some of your questions, and an assessment of how well you’re progressing on your spiritual path so far. The information you receive may depend, in part, on the decision of your guides and teachers on this higher plane, and the degree to which you are ready and able to receive their messages clearly.

Why regress to life between lives?

This can be a fascinating and enriching experience. You might emerge from LBL sessions with a clearer sense of your life purpose: the learning and development you are here to achieve, potential joys and fulfillment, any mission you may have (individually or together with others), and gifs you can share, such as love, friendship, inspiration, humor, and creativity.

What does an LBL session involve?

If you and I were working together, we’d start by talking about your intentions for the journey, and how you’d like to proceed. I’d answer any questions you might have at this point.

When you’re ready, I’d guide you into a deeply relaxed, hypnotic state. You’d remain awake and aware and able to communicate easily. According to your choice, I might guide you back through earlier times in your present life, perhaps even back to the womb. At some point, I’d guide you back to a previous lifetime and the end of that lifetime, then track with you the process of leaving your past-life body and the experience that follows. You may revisit specific aspects of your life on the Other Side, such as meetings with closely-connected souls for joyful reunion, reviewing a previous lifetime, or planning a future incarnation. You may discover why – in your present life – you incarnated in a particular time and place with particular people.

How can I prepare for an LBL session?

I recommend at least one past-life regression (PLR) session first — and preferably more than one. These sessions will help you determine if you are ready for regression hypnosis in general. Some individuals will need practice, or a greater level of calm, before they are ready. Also, as I mentioned previously, you would probably enter the life-between-lives state from a past life, so it’s best if you already have the experience of revisiting a past life, and are prepared to proceed to the next level.

The age factor

According to Michael Newton, people under 30 are frequently blocked (by their spirit guides) from gaining certain information — often relating to their life goals — through LBL regression. (There are exceptions.) Perhaps we need to live without that knowledge through certain phases of our development, in order to learn and grow in specific ways. Later, we can use increased clarity about our life purpose to learn and grow further and make our main contributions to the world.

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For more information

Dr. Michael Newton summarizes and analyzes the results of hundreds of LBL regressions in his first two books, “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls.” Dr. Newton was a major pioneer (and my main teacher) in this field. You can also find useful information on his website:

To schedule a session with Dr. Laurie Greenberg in New York City or online, please contact me directly: – or – +1 (212) 501-3707

Alternatively, you might find a practioner close to home via The Newton Institute.