As a transpersonal Clinical Psychologist, I offer many harmonic approaches.
Spiritual Approach
My perspective is essentially spiritual, though I simultaneously work with emotional, social and physical dimensions of life. See Spiritual Therapy.
Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy is a creative and experiential approach. As a certified Gestalt Therapist, I use special awareness-enhancing techniques and creative dramatization. I can help you connect with your true inner self, heal deeply, express yourself effectively, liberate your creativity and flow, and access your inner strengths. – For more information, click here.
Gestalt Therapy includes specific methods for working with dreams. These methods enable the dreamer to feel the energy and emotions contained within a dream, and discover its meaning through direct experience. For more details, click here.
At times I use additional techniques, such as drawing dream images, or Dream Reentry. In Dream Reentry, you can relax and re-enter the dream to continue the story. In the process, you can learn more while you exercise your courage and creativity. Dream Reentry is a form of Visionary Journey.
Relationship Therapy & Counseling
If you want to improve a relationship, I can guide and support you in enhancing your communication and understanding to build intimacy, cooperation and trust. I am trained in several approaches, certified in Imago Relationship Therapy, and currently studying IFIO (Intimacy From the Inside Out). IFIO is IFS (Internal Family Systems therapy) for couples.
In my practice, I aim to use whatever methods are appropriate to the situation and the people involved. I can help with many kinds of relationship — with friends, family members and co-workers, as well as couples. For more details, click here.
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing, or “SE,” is a multifaceted approach designed primarily for the healing of trauma. Many SE methods integrate well with other approaches, and may be used to provide additional support for difficult emotions, as well as strengthen positive experiences such as empowerment.
SE is a body-centered approach. Like many people, you may find that SE promotes your experience of being grounded, present, calm, centered, embodied, safe, and connected with your inner resources (such as strength, skill, versatility and confidence). For more information, click here.
Guidance in Self-Help
I teach a variety of methods to promote a positive, constructive outlook; serenity; effective coping; and problem-solving. These methods are flexible and adaptable, allowing creative variations. For more details, click here.
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, particularly Visionary Journeys (which include dream re-entry and Past-Life Regression, Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression, and more) are described in detail elsewhere on this website.
More information:
To schedule a session with Dr. Laurie Greenberg in New York City or online, please contact me directly: